
Ashamed? Of what?

Ashamed? Of what?

I sat for my meditation, intending to clear what was offering resistance to my path to live my life from the highest potential.
I was guided to do SOUL RETRIEVAL, and without any hesitation, I went deeper. Soon, the wounding of SHAME surfaced. I wondered what this SHAME is about.
I heard, “Shame of being a woman.”
“Ouch! What? Am I? Gosh, more work to do!” These thoughts jumped out. It was surprising that I have been clearing shame from lineages and past lives from the past few years that I almost thought I cleansed it for good.
“HEALING IS A SPIRALLING JOURNEY, and you never get it done!” I heard.
With my guides’ support, I was shown core memories of
✨How I was ogled at- that I almost felt nasty for being a girl.
✨How I was mocked by boys while growing up.
✨How I felt so unsafe to travel by public transport that my stomach constricted and my body quivered.
✨How I would cover myself in such a way that I could hide all those parts that define feminism.
I grew up in a culture where I was restricted by my caretakers in certain ways to keep me secure and safe.
Little did I know that it would inculcate that sickening feeling of growing up as a woman. As if becoming a woman snatched away the right of being FREE.
That SHAME set in so deep that I almost thought it was part of me. I repeated those patterns of hiding my true self in certain situations, even to date.
With this retrieval, where they guided me to bring all the fragments back for integration, I could already feel the subtle difference in my energy.
With this exercise, I replaced my dysfunctional monologue with:
✨I am SAFE and SECURE.
✨I am not living in the past.
✨I am SAFE in my body and my looks.
✨It’s safe to show up as WHO I AM.
✨I no longer need to be ashamed of being a WOMAN.
✨I am THANKFUL for being a woman so I could learn the lessons as a female and clear the baggage in this lifetime.
Currently, as we move to the NEW EARTH, many of the woundings from different timelines are coming to the surface for clearing.
✨The past life/experiences or ancestral lineages needed to be cleansed for stepping into our highest potential.
✨We are being called to clear those wounds to tread into our power, knowing that the past cannot hold us back anymore.
✨The fragments of our energy/soul that we subconsciously permitted our past to clasp onto – are READY for retrieval now.
✨And as we move into our deeper, darker spaces for cleansing the grime(mess we carried for lifetimes), we restore our power and move towards freedom, feeling more integrated and empowered.
If you need a hand with your inner journey, or you feel you are stuck having that desire for that inner work/heal yourself but don’t know how to step forward, please feel free to book a FREE chat with me, so we can discuss how I can help you.
Wish you all the love and compassion in this lifetime.
Photo by Godisable Jacob from Pexels
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